DMZ평화동행 투어


DMZ평화동행 투어
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주소 (10862) 경기도 파주시 탄현면 요풍길 39-24

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# DMZ Peace Together Tour(DMZ평화동행)
# DMZ Peace Together Tour(DMZ평화동행)
# DMZ Peace Together Tour(DMZ평화동행)
# DMZ평화동행 소개 배너
# DMZ평화동행 소개 배너

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경기도 파주시 탄현면 요풍길 39-24

Review 20

총점 5
전체 (0)
소통의 중요성
남과 북이 어떤 방법으로든 통일이 되는 것이 급선무가 아니라 소통을 통해 제대로 알고 친밀감을 쌓고 왕래를 계속 하는 것이 중요하다는 걸 알았다.

-이 리뷰는 홈페이지 개설 전에 투어를 진행하신 고객님이 남기신 리뷰입니다. 리뷰 작성은 관리자 계정을 통해 진행되었습니다.
찬성 1 반대 1
Enlighten for peace
I have realized several times that North Korea is a dictatorship, so it's just abnormal, and it's a country well-equipped with fundamental (positive, for the people) socialist ideology.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account.
찬성 1 반대 1
Helpful Trip
The understanding of North Korea eventually stems from deep compassion and affection for people, and the gap between what we need to know as a fact and what I know in the reality of division.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account.
찬성 1 반대 1
사람은 누구나 제대로 된 정보(사실)를 알 권리가 있다고 생각한다. 어떤 이유로든 사실을 왜곡(거짓,축소,확대)하는 것은 알 권리를 침해하는 것이다. 오랜기간 사명감을 가지고 그 분야에서 공부하고 몸으로 살아낸 분들의 이야기를 들을 기회를 제공해 드리고 싶어서 지인에게도 평화 동행투어를 꼭 추천하고 싶다.

-이 리뷰는 홈페이지 개설전에 투어를 진행하신 고객님이 남기신 리뷰입니다. 리뷰 작성은 관리자 계정을 통해 진행되었습니다.
찬성 1 반대 1
For peaceful future
In order to be able to take peace or reunification with North Korea seriously, we need accurate and objective knowledge of North Korea, because this process was so fitting and informative.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account.
찬성 1 반대 1
I like it
I would like to recommend it to help you know and understand exactly the situation of Paju and the division.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account
찬성 1 반대 1
It was a great time for us to be aware of the current situation and the surrounding situation and expand our perspective on the future. I really want to recommend it.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account
찬성 1 반대 0
I loved the contents that broke common sense that I had known about North Korea.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account
찬성 1 반대 1
New Knowledge about North Kore
It was good to know the misunderstandings about North Korea through people working as experts in various fields.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account
찬성 1 반대 2
Gap Between reality of divisio
The difference of atmosphere felt from the border area (Imjin River) and remote area was very large. Even in reality, I found out that the refraction was severe even inside Korea.

-This review left by the customer who used our tour program before the website is open. It is written by administrator account
찬성 2 반대 1


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